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Friday, 4 April 2014

Let it Go

I've always loved Disney movies and have found different ways to connect to them.

Yes there is the controversy with Disney movies and the hidden sexual content within them. But let's just put that aside for a moment and focus on the positive messages within, in this case the newest Disney movie Frozen.

This movie speaks so strongly to women and how they are powerful and shouldn't be afraid of their inner strength. We see this huge development of Elsa. She is told to fear her powers, to fear herself and to not allow anyone to see who she really is. She lived in isolation, never allowing herself to grow. When she finally breaks free and is willing to take control of her own life, she becomes powerful. I'm not just talking about her magic, I'm talking about her as a person. She's no longer afraid to be who she's meant to be.

The song "Let it Go" talks about letting go of the past and moving forward. It's about being true to yourself and not letting anyone tell you who you're supposed to be. Young girls today can take a lot away from this song. When Elsa sings about letting go, it's about not being afraid to show what makes you special, letting your inner light shine. It's about not caring what other people care or think, it's about knowing who you are and knowing that's all that matters.

It's such a beautiful song and message. Disney did something right with this one.

I encourage everyone to Take A Moment and take their daughters to see this movie. After the movie is done tell your daughter they can do anything and be anything they want to be.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Hard Work Has Its Rewards.

Over the years it's become apparent that hard work pays off and that working hard comes with it's rewards.

Last week I was presented with a generous gift for the volunteer work I've been doing at Macdonald Youth Services (MYS). I was beyond shocked and just overly grateful for the gift. It was so unexpected. I love volunteering at MYS. I think that the work they are doing to help the homeless youth of Winnipeg get off the streets and help them build a better life for themselves. I first learned about MYS when I went there for my three-week work placement through school helping them with their brochures and donor highlights for their Capital Campaign newsletter. I was so lucky to have been there that I continued volunteering my time as I believe in what they do so much.

I love what I'm doing and I never expected anything from MYS, so when I was presented with tickets to The Winnipeg Jets game last Saturday, I just couldn't believe it. It just meant so much to me that my work was appreciated that much.

It was so much fun going to the game and the seats were amazing. It was disappointing that the Jets lost but I'll always remember the experience and the reason I was there.

MYS is truly an exceptional place with amazing staff who not only take care of the homeless youth of Winnipeg but their staff and volunteers.

I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing team.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Try Yoga - It's Amazing

Amanda Burkowsky Yogi
I've always wanted to try yoga but always felt to nervous to go. I'm no where near being flexible the way I was when I was a child taking gymnastics. I knew there was no way I would be able to do those crazy poses. So I never tried.

This past Monday a few friends and I decided to try yoga with a personal instructor. My friends have each tried yoga at least once before, this was my first time. I felt a little more comfortable since I was with good friends, an amazing instructor, and it was in my basement.

Amanda Burkowsky was super nice and down to earth. She made us feel relaxed and comfortable. She didn't mind that we were laughing and giggling from nerves or that we couldn't get some of the poses. Amanda Burkowsky laughed along with us and was very encouraging.

We're all still sore from that night, but in a good way. It's been way too long since I've had a good workout.

One of my friends boyfriend (the reason we were able to connect with Amanda) created a video on Amanda and her passion for yoga.

I'm so glad that I decided to try yoga and that I did it with a private instructor. It just made the whole experience that much better. I recommend to anyone who is wanting to try yoga for the first time that they contact Amanda Burkwsky because she is amazing.

Friday, 7 March 2014

The "Job" Thing

It's that time of year. University/College students are a month to two months away from finishing school, either for the year or they're graduating. So what does that mean?

It's time to find a job!

This is also the time when most job postings come up. It's almost overwhelming trying to figure out what job is the right one for you.

You're thinking one thing, your friends or family are telling you another, and the job posting may or may not sound right for you. So how do you choose?

It can be mentally and physically exhausting trying to figure out the whole "job" thing. For most people, they can't afford the wait. Needing the money becomes a priority over what they really want to do.

The advice I'm following right now is finding that happy medium.

I'm going to be finished my second degree at the beginning of May and I need to find a job. I haven't worked since last summer and my money is non existent. It's stressful not having any money, so the push to find a job is weighing heavy on me. So what do I do? I need a full time job but I can't find one.

The solution...term jobs. They pay like a full time job. The hours are like a full time job. The experience is like a full time job. The only difference is that it's for a shorter period of time. Term jobs are a great way to start into the field that you want to get into. The other benefit is that they are usually looking to hire within a few weeks of the job posting.

So this is my advice. If you're not sure where you want to go after school, but you need the job and the experience, look at term jobs. They are more beneficial than you think.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Never Give Up!

courtosey of Google
I've always been the type of person who never liked giving up. I hated feeling defeated. I always pushed myself to do my best and see everything through. Even if it didn't work out at least I could say I tried.

A friend of mine recently told me that they felt like giving up on their education. They are so close to finishing their first year of Creative Communications. In the short time that I have know Tyler*, I know that this is something that he wants to be doing.

Tyler told me that he wants to get into radio. The Creative Communications program is something that can help him get their. Yes he is struggling to get through first year. First year is hard, second year is even harder. But if this is something that you want to do, push yourself and don't give up.

I've been telling Tyler to go and talk to his teachers, even the other teachers in the program to get help. He's been refusing mine when I've offered to look over his assignments. To me it seems obvious to go and talk to the teachers and get their advice. He won't do it. I'm at the point where I don't know how to help him anymore since he's refusing to help himself.

The last thing I want to do is give up on him, but I don't know how to help him anymore. I feel like he'll be letting himself down if he gives up.

This is essentially what Tyler told me. That he wasn't giving up, that he had just had enough and it wasn't worth putting his health at risk. He told me that he was feeling depressed from the way things were going at school. I felt sick hearing this. I wish he would talk to me but he refuses. Tyler said he will finish out the year but that he won't be coming back to finish his education. That post secondary isn't for him. I hope that he will take this into consideration.

Take A Moment to remember why you started something and keep pushing to see it through. Never Give Up!

*Name has been changed.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Spare Change?

Fundraising for a good cause can make you feel absolutely wonderful.

My Live Television Production class has been working hard to put on a telethon for the Winnipeg Humane Society. 

Bethany, Janessa, Megan and myself make up the fundraising team. It is our job to come up with different ways to raise money to go towards the IAMS' 1001 Donations telethon at the Winnipeg Humane Society. All proceeds from the fundraising and live telethon (on March 16th) is matched by IAMS'.

So far the fundraising team has had a cheesecake sale (cheesecakes from Double D's) and a coffee sale (coffee from San Vito). Today we had a bake sale and on March 7th we will be having a book sale.

To date we have raised $1,213

I could not be happier with the work that we have done to help support the Winnipeg Humane Society. They do so much great work to protect, rescue, and find animals a safe and happy home.

So the next time you have some spare change that you're not sure what to do with, Take A Moment to donate it to your local charity. It's amazing how far spare change can go.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Breaking Down the Stigma Wall

Mental illness is something that has been ignored for way too long. It's something that people feel ashamed to talk about because there is this stigma that surrounds it. All of a sudden people are being told that it's not ok to be feeling the way that they're feeling. That it's some how wrong. That they're choosing to feel that way.

Many people go day by day not speaking up about how they are feeling for the above reasons. Someone may ask them how they're feeling and they'll say "fine" and we go on accepting that response and move on instead of asking if they really are "fine".

In 2003 I learned that accepting "fine" as a response isn't good enough. I will admit, however, that I sometimes still accept "fine" as a response and wish that I wouldn't. This is why.

My friend Kieran wrote a very touching and inspirational blog that deserves to be seen by the world. The blog talks about his personal struggles with mental illness and how he found the strength to reach out to someone for help in what could have been his final moments. Not many people are able to find that strength. 

I don't know what my life would be like without Kieran in it. He is such a fun-loving, energetic, humorous guy that I couldn't be luckier to know. People struggling with mental illness tend to think that no one would miss them if they were gone. I can tell you his funeral is one I would not want to go to any time soon. This world would be a much sadder place without him. 

I had my own personal experience with depression when I was younger. It's not something I talk about often. It's still something I struggle with from time to time, though I feel after eight, almost nine years that I have better control over it. I still remember that night, holding the knife in my hand, I didn't think my life was worth it. I thought about my parents and how they would feel. I honestly don't know where I would be had it not been for my dog coming up to me at that very moment and nestling his head against my leg. My dog saved my life that night. It was enough for me to say something to my mom and seek out help. 

Once I found my strength in accepting the way I was feeling wasn't wrong and that I wasn't alone, I wanted to make sure that anyone feeling the way I was never feels alone.

Music has always been something to help me through the tougher times.

So I ask you to Take A Moment everyday to ask someone how they are doing. That simple concern can save someones life.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Any Publicity is Good Publicity

Any publicity is good publicity, it's a adage everyone has heard when it comes to celebrities. If they're making the news, and people are talking about them, they must be doing something right. for the second people stop taking about them, everyone forgets who they are.

Now what celebrity wants that? They chose the "Lime Light" to be seen, but at what costs?

On January 23, 2014, Canadian pop singer Justine Bieber was arrested in Miami and charged with a DUI and resisting arrest.

What is going on with our young stars? Are they getting into the "business" too early in life that they forget there are consequences to their actions. They are not immune to life, plain and simple. 

So I ask you this, how is this good publicity? Think about the fans who consider Justin Bieber to be a role model. How is this a positive example of what to aspire too. It's almost like young celebrities need a person with them 24/7 to act as their conscience until they can make appropriate decisions for themselves.

So Take A Moment to ask yourself is any publicity good publicity? 

Friday, 17 January 2014

Making Choices

Life is full of choices. We can never be sure if we are making the right ones. What may seem right could easily turn out to be wrong and what seems wrong can turn out to be right.

There is no sure way of knowing. It's just a matter of making a choice. Making choices allows us to live our lives with no regrets.

Ok yes people have regrets for choices they have made. But it's those choices that have made us into who we are today. We took a chance on something or someone instead of letting ourselves wonder What If?

So don't be afraid to make the choice that scares you. Make the choice for you and not because somebody told you to. Take A Moment to make choices for you so that you can live your life and say that you lived it your way.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Giving Back The Voice

I had the most beneficial work placement back in December that I could have ever asked for. I spent three weeks interning at Macdonald Youth Services (MYS). They work hard to give youth a better life and to help prepare them for the "real" world and the harsh realities that come with it.

I enjoyed my time with them so much that I am continuing to volunteer with them. The youth that MYS helps are people that have had their voice taken from them because society has written them off. I want to help MYS give these youth their voice back. Everyone has something to say, it's a matter of getting people to listen.

Through MYS I will be working with their program coordinators to be able to tell the youth's stories. You can find these stories on the MYS website coming in February.

I hope that everyone will Take A Moment to read these stories as they deserve to be heard.