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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Double U-Turn Ahead

This is what I like about the show, when teams will agree to not use the U-Turn and follow through.  There's no need to use the U-Turn when you're in the lead, or really at all.

I understand that it's part of the game, but at the same time it can, and does, cause a lot of animosity between the teams.

Abbie and Ryan; Jaymes and James; Trey and Lexi; and Josh and Brent, all agreed to not use the U-Turn and stuck to their word.

I was disappointed when the monster truck drivers, Rob and Kelley, used the U-Turn of the substitute teachers, Gary and Will.  And then Gary and Will used the U-Turn on Rob and Kelley.  The circumstances are funny cause Gary and Will had no idea who U-Turned them at the blind U-Turn.

Using the U-Turn, to me, is a cheap move.  Even though it can advance you in the game, I believe teams should finish the race clean - with no extra help.

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