courtosey of Google |
A friend of mine recently told me that they felt like giving up on their education. They are so close to finishing their first year of Creative Communications. In the short time that I have know Tyler*, I know that this is something that he wants to be doing.
Tyler told me that he wants to get into radio. The Creative Communications program is something that can help him get their. Yes he is struggling to get through first year. First year is hard, second year is even harder. But if this is something that you want to do, push yourself and don't give up.
I've been telling Tyler to go and talk to his teachers, even the other teachers in the program to get help. He's been refusing mine when I've offered to look over his assignments. To me it seems obvious to go and talk to the teachers and get their advice. He won't do it. I'm at the point where I don't know how to help him anymore since he's refusing to help himself.
The last thing I want to do is give up on him, but I don't know how to help him anymore. I feel like he'll be letting himself down if he gives up.
Take A Moment to remember why you started something and keep pushing to see it through. Never Give Up!
*Name has been changed.