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Friday, 22 November 2013

Moving Foward

Next week I will be starting my first work placement. I'm excited to be going and gaining all the experiences the job has to offer. This will be my first job experience working in the field of communications. I've been studying creative communications for a year and a half now and I couldn't be more excited to put the skills I've learned to use.

I want to thank all of my instructors who have helped me and pushed me to be better than myself. I appreciate all that you all have done for me.

I know some people who are not willing to get job experience unless it's paid. The problem with that is that without experience you can't get a job. So take the experience where you can. Paid or not. There is always room to learn and expand your skills.

So don't sit back and wait for the "right" job to come to you. Go out and get the experience to better prepare you for the job you want an deserve.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

It Only Takes 1 Hour To Save A Life

If you had the opportunity to save someone's life, would you?

Approximately every minute of everyday, someone in Canada needs blood. In fact, according to a recent poll, 52% of Canadians say they, or a family member, have needed blood or blood products for surgery or for medical treatment.

Donating blood is, in my opinion, one of the greatest random acts of kindness a person can do. When a person donates blood, they don't know who they are helping or why that person needs their blood. All the donor knows is that they are doing something that is helping to save a life.

Again I ask, if you had the opportunity to save someone's life, would you? Would you take that hour out of your day?

For more information on how you can save a life please visit Canadian Blood Services or call 1-888-2-DONATE to book an appointment.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Is Life Getting In The Way?

Courtesy of Google
Life. It has this amazing way of getting in your way when you need to get things done. Life just happens and there's not much we can do about it.

Over the past few weeks it has felt almost impossible to stay in control. Not only was there my school work to worry about, there were the things going on in my everyday life that felt too hard to handle.

I wanted to just give up. Say goodbye to everything and just not deal with it any more.

That would be ok right?

Would any one really care?

Life can get overwhelming most of the time. I think of it as a test. A test that takes us to the limits, but proves that we will not go over the edge.  That our limits are limitless.  That it's possible for us to do anything that we set our minds to.

This does not mean that we will not struggle.  That struggle is a part of life. The life we want to so easily give up on sometimes or ask for a do over.  Sadly there are no do overs in life. We make a mistake and it's up to us to fix it and learn from it.

Courtesy of Google
If only real life was as easy as "The Game of Life."

But the truth is, real life is hard and we need to work hard for everything we do. We can't just expect someone to make life easy for us.

So Take A Moment to step back and consider what life is really throwing at you. "Everything happens for a reason" right?